Wednesday, September 15, 2010

When Kids Can't Read: Chapter 2

I thought this chapter was very interesting because it highlighted many of the problems that teachers often have.  I understand that it is easy to simply say that a student can't read, but it's much more difficult to figure out where exactly the problem is and how to fix it.  First, I didn't know the difference between dependent and independent readers.  Since, I am going to be a future English teacher, I am an independent reader and did not even realize that I was subconsciously decoding, comprehending, thinking about the text, drawing my own conclusions, and making inferences.  For dependent readers, these are strategies that must be taught and practiced.  I didn't realize this before I read this chapter and I hope that I will now be more sensitive to the fact that reading doesn't come easy for all students.  I hope that I will be able to successfully help students to become better readers.

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