Thursday, January 27, 2011

Multi-Modal Literacies: An Oral History of the Internet

I think this was a really interesting article which contains a large amount of information.  I liked the fact that the authors combined factual information with interviews from the different people involved with the development of the internet.  It must have taken a lot of research to create this article due to all the people that were interviewed.  One thing this article really did for me as that it showed me how new the internet really is. I was born in 1989 and the internet basically grew up along with me, which is something unique about my generation.  Reading this article showed me that different online services such as youtube, facebook, wikipedia, ebay, and amazon were really only developed in about the last decade.  It's amazing to me because these are websites and services that I use regularly and have become things that I have taken for granted.  However, ten years ago, when I was eleven years old all of these things were in their early development.  I think the internet has really changed the way in which college campuses are run as well.  When I think about colleges twenty years ago, they didn't have the same technology we have.  We communicate with professors and receive memos through e-mail and vista.  We have numerous online assignments such as our blog assignment in our class. We also have access to research databases in the comfort of our homes. I think these things have really aided in my learning experience and I plan to utilize the educational services the internet has to offer in my future classroom.

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