Wednesday, November 10, 2010

When Kids Can't Read: Chapter 14

I thought this was a very important chapter because it discussed the issue of recommending the right books to students.  I think Beers raised an important point when she said that teachers need to understand that they shouldn't just recommend books that they like to students, but they should pay attention to students' individual interests. I liked the idea of talking with students at the beginning of the school year to get an idea of their interests which could eventually lead to book recommendations.  I also liked the point she raised about students not knowing how to navigate through a library.  I thought this was an important topic that teachers don't often think to address.  I liked the idea of using a Good Books box to raise students' interest in reading and then eventually steer them to the section of the library that they find most interesting.  I think another issue this chapter raised was that students should be given a choice in what they read.  If they're constantly forced to read classics with adult characters who they can't identify with, they will never learn to enjoy reading.  Therefore, it's important for teachers to be prepared with young adult literature in order to gain student interest in reading.  I plan on having my own classroom library when I'm a teacher so I can be prepared to recommend books to students. I also think book talks are a great way to get students interested in reading who simply don't know where to look.


  1. I also liked the idea of the Good Books Box. I think that navigating your way through a library is something that does get overlooked. I think teachers do too much assuming these days, and it's something that needs to be addressed more in school.

  2. Good points. It is critical to know your students and the field of YA lit.
