Sunday, February 6, 2011

Multi-Modal Literacies: The Social Network

After reading the article about the history of the facebook, I decided that I wanted to watch the movie "The Social Network" about how facebook was created.  Overall, I thought the movie followed the article really accurately.  Most of the information in the movie seemed to be pretty accurate and only a few things seemed to be added for entertainment purposes.  I was really interested in this movie, because I think it has a lot to offer in the fact that it addresses a lot of important issues in our new media age.  One of the most important issues addressed was the idea of intellectual property.  While watching the movie, I went back and forth between feeling that facebook was "stolen" by Mark Zuckerberg and feeling that he simply expanded on the ideas of others.  I think it's important in this day and age to be conscious of the idea of intellectual property because it's important to respect the work of others.  I think this movie really informed me about the history of a program that I use everyday and I think it's really interesting to know the background of the services I use.  I think it's important for everybody that uses different websites and programs to be familiar with what they're using along with the backgrounds of different programs.  This helps to create a more informed and educated society.  I would highly recommend the social network, it's definitely worth your time.


  1. Julie,
    I watched the Social Network before reading the article, and I too thought that the movie was precise in sticking to the facts. It was amazing to see how much controversy surrounds the the website that has became a big part of our lives. I am on the fence also with how I feel about Mark Zuckenberg. On one hand I believe he is the originator because he did all of the work of coding and found ways to perfect the site. I also feel like he was tremendously misleading and manipulative to people in the process.

  2. I am glad that you guys have watched the movie and got something out of it. I have been thinking about seeing but was worried about it being true to fact. After reading the article I am excited to watch it!!! Also I think manipulation is almost required in this world. I don't agree with what Zuckenberg did but I understand to get ahead sometimes these things have to be done.

  3. I haven't seen the movie yet, but I want to. I don't think he "stole" the idea because there was a buzz about his school about a social networking site. I just think he was the one smart enough to pull it off. I don't think an idea can be stolen. Tons of people were thinking about a social networking site and none of them pulled it off.

    If I was in a crowded room and said something about a book I had an idea about writing and then someone else came out with a book with the exact same idea I can't sue them for stealing my idea.

    In a creative writing class when everyone has the same prompt no two people will come up with the exact same story.

    Mark just had the same idea everyone else had, but he ran with it.
